Quick example, to see and understand better how an ActiveRecord query using scopes or methods in the model works at the SQL level and how to run it, all in the same example
Ruby version
Let say you have a database with users and you have some scopes to filter by non-demo, active, and completed providers with a specific Role (CanCanCan behind the scenes) :
Let's look into the SQL version:
If we run this command
irb(main):007:0> User.providers.real.active.completed.to_sql
We would get this:
=> "SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" INNER JOIN \"users_roles\" ON \"users_roles\".\"user_id\" = \"users\".\"id\" INNER JOIN \"roles\" ON \"roles\".\"id\" = \"users_roles\".\"role_id\" WHERE (roles.name = 'Provider') AND \"users\".\"demo_account\" = 'f' AND (\"users\".\"organization_id\" NOT IN (SELECT \"organizations\".\"id\" FROM \"organizations\" WHERE \"organizations\".\"demo_account\" = 't' ORDER BY \"organizations\".\"name\" ASC)) AND \"users\".\"is_active\" = 't' AND \"users\".\"signup_state\" = 'Completed'"
Then we just need to replace the invalid characters such as \
and translate that into a SQL version like this:
WITH real_providers AS
( SELECT users.* FROM users
INNER JOIN users_roles ON users_roles.user_id = users.id
INNER JOIN roles ON roles.id = users_roles.role_id
WHERE (roles.name = 'Provider') AND users.demo_account = 'f'
AND (users.organization_id NOT IN (
SELECT organizations.id FROM organizations WHERE organizations.demo_account = 't' ORDER BY organizations.name ASC)
AND users.is_active = 't' AND users.signup_state = 'Completed')
select real_providers.id, real_providers.name from real_providers
In order to run it in the Rails console for example:
report_results = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(SUMMARY_PROVIDERS_REPORT_SQL)
That will give you the id
and name
of all those valid providers