9 posts by heriberto-perez

How to re-use styles for components using the sx props with React and Material UI

A really simple way to create reusable components using sx for styling looks like this:

First of all, once you realize that you are creating a similar component more than twice, then it's a good time to create a component with some default properties and then you add some additional properties to make the differentiation, and a quick example would look like this:

import { Chip } from '@mui/material';

type ChipLabelGuidelineProps = {
  label: string;
  borderColor?: string;
  bgcolor?: string;
  padding?: string;
  //..rest of your attributes if you use them directly

const ChipLabelGuideline = (props: ChipLabelGuidelineProps) => {
  const { label, borderColor = 'white', ...restSxProps } = props;
  return (
        borderRadius: '8px',
        fontSize: '16px',
        fontWeight: '700',
        border: `2px solid ${borderColor}`,
        padding: '4px 25px',
        color: 'blue',

Then you can use it like this:

<ChipLabelGuideline label="Label 1" bgcolor='green' />
# Or
<ChipLabelGuideline label="Label 2" bgcolor='black' />
# or if you want to override some data
<ChipLabelGuideline label="Label 3" bgcolor='yellow' color='white' padding: '0 10px'/>

Really simple isn't it?

Mastering extend and when you want class methods and instance methods for your class

Mastering extend and when you want class methods and instance methods for your class

I just realized something cool, which is the underlying of including same module for a class and share instance and class methods with that class.

So here is the trick

You have this simple module:

module TestModule
  def test_name

And this class

class Test
  def name
irb(main):033> Test.test_name
=> "test_name"
irb(main):034> Test.new.name
=> "Test"

So that is why if you want to include both instance and class methods, with something like this

class Test
  include TestModule

How would you include some as class methods, and the answer is by defining those methods in a module or subgroup within the module, and it would look like this

module TestModule
  def instance_method
    'instance method'

  module TheClassMethods
    def class_hello

  def self.included(base)

class Test
  include TestModule

So now you can access both of them

Test.new.instance_method # instance method
Test.class_hello # class_hello

NOTE: remember that it is included in the past

def self.included(base)

And active_support/concern comparison

module M
  def self.included(klass)
    klass.extend ClassMethods
    klass.class_eval do
      scope :disabled, -> { where(disabled: true) }

  def instance_method
    'instance method'

  module ClassMethods do
     def class_method_one
       'class method'


require 'active_support/concern'

module M
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    scope :disabled, -> { where(disabled: true) }

    def self.direct_class_method_here

class_methods do
    def class_method_one
      'class method one'

class YourClass
  include M

What is the difference between "and" and "&&" in Ruby or between "||" and "or"?

First of all, all of them are logical operators, but the assignment operator = has higher precedence than and and or, but lower precedence than && and ||.

And if not understood correctly it can lead to tricky and unexpected results, for instance:

irb(main):064* def execute_notification
irb(main):065*   puts 'execute_notification'
irb(main):066> end
=> :execute_notification
irb(main):067> execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):068> result = true and execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):069> result
=> true
irb(main):070> result = false and execute_notification
=> false
irb(main):071> result
=> false
irb(main):072> result = true or execute_notification
=> true
irb(main):073> result = false or execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):074> result
=> false
irb(main):075> result = true && execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):076> result
=> nil
irb(main):077> result = false && execute_notification
=> false
irb(main):078> result
=> false
irb(main):079> result = true || execute_notification
=> true
irb(main):080> result
=> true
irb(main):081> result = false || execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):082> result
=> nil

Exponenciation in Ruby <> Javascript and Ruby to_i in Javascript and prevent rounding float/decimals

Let’s begin with an actual example and conversion for both languages(Ruby and JavaScript).

Most of the time, if you want to take n number of decimals after the . from a big decimal or just fill it with zeros, you would do something like this:


number = 4.9999999
# eg: with a precision of 6
'%.6f' % number # => "5.000000"
sprintf('%.6f', number) # => "5.000000"
format('%.6f', number) # => "5.000000"


number = 4.9999999
number.toFixed(6) => '5.000000'

How to solve that problem?

By using a custom method!


def truncate_float(number, precision)
  factor = 10 ** precision
  (factor * number).to_i / factor.to_f

result = truncate_float(4.9, 6)# => 4.9
# then
'%.6f' %  result # => "4.900000"
truncated_value = truncate_float(4.9999999, 6)  # => 4.999999
'%.6f' % truncated_value # => "4.999999"

Now in JavaScript

function truncateDecimal(decimalNumber, precision) {
  factor = Math.pow(10, precision)
  return Math.floor(factor * decimalNumber) / factor

truncateDecimal(4.9, 6) // 4.9
truncateDecimal(4.9999999999, 6) // 4.999999

There you have it!

Ruby partition on arrays

In Ruby, the partition is a very useful method that you can use to filter some items in an array and that you need the ones that satisfy the condition and the ones that do not, and it takes a block of code and returns two arrays: the first contains the elements for which the block of code returns true, and the second contains the elements for which the block returns false.

Let's see an actual example:

def create_fake_emails_array
  emails = []
  10.times do |i|
    emails << { email: "user#{i + 1}@mailinator.com" }

  10.times do |i|
    emails << { email: "user#{i + 1}@something.com" }

my_emails = create_fake_emails_array

class EmailContactsWhitelistCleaner
  attr_reader :email_recipients

  def initialize(email_recipients)
    @email_recipients = email_recipients

  def get_white_list_collection
    valid_recipients, invalid_recipients = partition_emails



  def partition_emails
    email_recipients.partition { |recipient| valid_recipient?(recipient[:email]) }

  def valid_recipient?(email)
    !email.match?('mailinator') || mailinator_white_list.include?(email)

  def log_black_list_email_recipients(invalid_recipients)
    return if invalid_recipients.empty?

    email_list = invalid_recipients.map { |recipient| recipient[:email] }.join(',')
    puts "The following emails are not in the whitelist: #{email_list}"

  def mailinator_white_list
    # ENV.fetch('MAILINATOR_WHITE_LIST', '').split(',')

service = EmailContactsWhitelistCleaner.new(my_emails)
puts service.get_white_list_collection

How do you guys set up naked domains in Heroku apps?

Let's say:

I have mydomain.mx and I want to allow anybody to type in the browser

# or
# or
# or

And to resolve/redirect to the secure version of it -> https://mydomain.mx (non www)

It is basically done, following this approach:

  1. You need to go to the settings section in Heroku.com and enabling the SSL option(only available in hobby and paid plans)
  2. Add your domain with two variations inside the settings section within heroku.com

  3. Create those two CNAMEs entries in your DNS providers (I'm using cloudfare.com for free)

  4. Create a redirect rule in your application(this depend on the technology and language you are using), in my case, as I'm using Rails, so it was a matter of adding this to the top of the config/routes.rb file:

  match '(*any)',
    to: redirect(subdomain: ''),
    via: :all,
    constraints: { subdomain: 'www' }

There you go! you are ready to go, here is a live example (Site in construction as of November 26th, 2021)


All of them will resolve to the same domain: https://valoralo.mx

Fixing the Capybara Webkit Gem installation - QtWebKit is no longer included with Qt 5.6 error on M1 Mac with Big Sur

If you installed any version above 5.6 make sure you uninstall all those versions, for instance:

MacBook-Air:myproject heridev$ brew uninstall qt
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/qt/6.0.3_2... (8,233 files, 158.7MB)
MacBook-Air:myproject heridev$ brew uninstall qt@5
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2... (10,688 files, 367.9MB)

Then we need to install the 5.5 version (old version):

cd $( brew --prefix )/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core
git checkout 9ba3d6ef8891e5c15dbdc9333f857b13711d4e97 Formula/qt@5.5.rb
// this will install the qt from shopify/shopify
brew install qt@5.5

And make sure you add the qt PATH in my case:

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt@5.5/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/heridev/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Now, you should be able to install the capybara webkit gem without any problems

Safe access for nested key values in a Hash - dig method

If you are using Ruby 2.3.0 or above

Now instead of doing this:

result.try(:[], 'avatar').try(:[], 'model').try(:[], 'raw_attributes').try(:[], 'signup_state')
# or
result && result['avatar'] && result['avatar']['model'] && result['avatar']['model']['raw_attributes'] && result['avatar']['model']['raw_attributes']['signup_state']

Now you can easily do the same with dig:

result.dig('avatar', 'model', 'raw_attributes', 'signup_state')

How to understand the SQL behind an ActiveRecord Query

Quick example, to see and understand better how an ActiveRecord query using scopes or methods in the model works at the SQL level and how to run it, all in the same example

Ruby version

Let say you have a database with users and you have some scopes to filter by non-demo, active, and completed providers with a specific Role (CanCanCan behind the scenes) :


Let's look into the SQL version:

If we run this command

irb(main):007:0> User.providers.real.active.completed.to_sql

We would get this:

=> "SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" INNER JOIN \"users_roles\" ON \"users_roles\".\"user_id\" = \"users\".\"id\" INNER JOIN \"roles\" ON \"roles\".\"id\" = \"users_roles\".\"role_id\" WHERE (roles.name = 'Provider') AND \"users\".\"demo_account\" = 'f' AND (\"users\".\"organization_id\" NOT IN (SELECT \"organizations\".\"id\" FROM \"organizations\" WHERE \"organizations\".\"demo_account\" = 't' ORDER BY \"organizations\".\"name\" ASC)) AND \"users\".\"is_active\" = 't' AND \"users\".\"signup_state\" = 'Completed'"

Then we just need to replace the invalid characters such as \ and translate that into a SQL version like this:

WITH real_providers AS
  ( SELECT users.* FROM users
    INNER JOIN users_roles ON users_roles.user_id = users.id
    INNER JOIN roles ON roles.id = users_roles.role_id
    WHERE (roles.name = 'Provider') AND users.demo_account = 'f'
      AND (users.organization_id NOT IN (
        SELECT organizations.id FROM organizations WHERE organizations.demo_account = 't' ORDER BY organizations.name ASC)
      AND users.is_active = 't' AND users.signup_state = 'Completed')
select real_providers.id, real_providers.name from real_providers

In order to run it in the Rails console for example:

report_results = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(SUMMARY_PROVIDERS_REPORT_SQL)

That will give you the id and name of all those valid providers