2 posts about #react

JavaScript null vs undefined

In JavaScript null and undefined are rather strange values, both serve a very similar purpose, which is to indicate the absence of a value.


Null is used to assign a reference to an object that you will no longer need or, directly, you want to have the variable declared but initialize it with a value that you still do not know what it will be exactly. In all these cases the best thing to do is to assign a null value.

  var miVariable = null;

//log null


For undefined means that the variable is declared but its value has not yet been defined.

  var miVariable

//log null

Both values are values of type false, so if you do a non-strict comparison you will get true undefined, which means that the variable is declared but its value has not yet been defined.

if (null == undefined) {
  return true
//log true

and if you do a strict comparison, because they are not really the same, it returns a false:

if (null === undefined) {
   return true
return false
//log false

Set and preserve cookies on and Axios API call

I was using Axios to test an API created in Rails, trying to set up cookies for a User Authentication process. After attempting to get the information back i realize that the cookie was not persistent, due to the lack of one parameter... withCredentials: true So if you want your session to store cookies in the client side and have them available remember to pass it to the call import axios from import axios from 'axios' axios.post(API_SERVER + '/login', { email, password }, { withCredentials: true }) Otherwise the cookie would not be saved.