How to re-use styles for components using the sx props with React and Material UI

A really simple way to create reusable components using sx for styling looks like this:

First of all, once you realize that you are creating a similar component more than twice, then it's a good time to create a component with some default properties and then you add some additional properties to make the differentiation, and a quick example would look like this:

import { Chip } from '@mui/material';

type ChipLabelGuidelineProps = {
  label: string;
  borderColor?: string;
  bgcolor?: string;
  padding?: string;
  // of your attributes if you use them directly

const ChipLabelGuideline = (props: ChipLabelGuidelineProps) => {
  const { label, borderColor = 'white', ...restSxProps } = props;
  return (
        borderRadius: '8px',
        fontSize: '16px',
        fontWeight: '700',
        border: `2px solid ${borderColor}`,
        padding: '4px 25px',
        color: 'blue',

Then you can use it like this:

<ChipLabelGuideline label="Label 1" bgcolor='green' />
# Or
<ChipLabelGuideline label="Label 2" bgcolor='black' />
# or if you want to override some data
<ChipLabelGuideline label="Label 3" bgcolor='yellow' color='white' padding: '0 10px'/>

Really simple isn't it?