Make Rails properly decode hashes and arrays in JSONB fields the way god intended

In what I'm going to call the greatest piece of pedantic fuckery of all time in Rails history, sgrif made JSON fields take primitives (including strings!!!!), instead of properly converting strings into Arrays and Hashes the way that God intended. In the years since, this one single peabrained decision, inexplicably rubber stamped by the rest of rails core, has surely cost millenias worth of headscratching, incontrollable sobbing, teeth gnashing, and rending of garments amongst poor Rails engineers like myself who wonder why, on an utterly non-deterministic basis, do my hashes turn into strings when going through the Postgres washing machine.

Unsure if you're having this problem yourself? Are you getting random no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError) errors in your code? That's what I'm talking about.

To fix this abomination and cast out the sgrif demon forever (or at least until they refactor ActiveRecord::Type modules again), simply toss the following file into your initializers and breathe easier.

# config/initializers/fix_active_record_jsonb.rb

ActiveRecord::Type::Json.class_eval do
  # this is a json field, thus always decode it
  def deserialize(value)
    ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(value) rescue nil

  def serialize(value)
    if value.is_a?(::Array) || value.is_a?(::Hash)
    elsif value.is_a?(::String) && value.start_with?("{", "[") && value.end_with?("}", "]")
    elsif value.respond_to?(:to_json)

Footnote: Apparently, I need to waste precious time of my life revisiting this topic every 5 years or so.