Is it possible to render a "sidecar" partial for a ViewComponent?

Let's say I have

class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base

and 2 view files in


In my_component.html.erb, I want to be able to do:

render "some_partial"

But without a special configuration, that looks under the views directory for said partial. I don't want to extract that partial to its own component, nor do I want it floating by itself in the view directory.

The first step is to tell Rails it can look for templates in the view components directory

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  append_view_path "#{Rails.root}/app/components"

Keep in mind that view contexts are based on the currently executing controller, so <%= render :some_partial %> in a PostsController (even within a ViewComponent class) will look for a partial in a subdirectory /posts or /application.

To make sure Rails finds your partial, use an absolute path when you render it:

<%= render "/my_component/some_partial" %>

Hat tip to Roli in the StimulusReflex discord